Ask A GP

Ask A GP

If you would rather not go to the clinic for minor ailments, you can consult online with a real, licensed medical doctor from the comfort of your home or office.

Benefits of online consults

  • Access to quality health care while avoiding taking time off work, high medical costs, and exposure to infections.
  • Avoid the financial and time costs of lengthy trips to the clinic and waiting in line to see the doctor.
  • Each consultation is a live online chat with an experienced general practitioner and is completely private, confidential, and affordable.

Instead of searching Google for answers, you can now connect with a qualified health care professional at your convenience You can also send medical reports and images to help us better understand your query, and get medical advise or treatment recommendations at the touch of a button.

We are equipped to help with several non-emergency medical conditions, including:

  • Aches, pains, and sprains
  • Allergies
  • Generalized infections
  • Gastrointestinal (abdominal) conditions and infections
  • Respiratory (chest) conditions and infections
  • Skin conditions and infections
  • Urinary tract infections

Book an online medical consult for only N2,499.99